Note: Although not all of these films have trailers released, I've looked over the trailers of the ones that do and taken my favorite shots from them. Enjoy!

10. Up
May 29
This one really needs no explanation. I want to watch if because it's a Pixar movie, it's as simple as that.

9. Funny People
July 31
Think what you will about the people involved, but Judd Apatow's brand of comedy is here to stay. And it's funny too. Funny People is about a comedian, played by Adam Sandler, who finds out he's dying. Seth Rogen, Eric Bana, Leslie Mann, Jason Schwartzman and Jonah Hill also star. It looks hilarious, and it's actually directed by Apatow. His only other directorial outings are The 40-Year-Old Virgin and Knocked Up, and this one looks to be another winner to add to that short list.

8. Inglourious Basterds
August 21
I love World War II films, and seeing Tarantino's take on them will be interesting. The cast is interesting as well, and includes Brad Pitt, Diane Kruger, Hostel director Eli Roth and B.J. Novak of TV's The Office, just to name a few. The trailer seems to sum the movie up well: "killin' Nazis."

7. Shutter Island
October 2
I don't know much about this film, but it involves Martin Scorsese and Leonardo DiCaprio working together to adapt a Dennis Lehane novel. Mystic River and Gone Baby Gone are other Lehane novels that became film adapdations. Not too shabby. Scorsese is a legend, so this one is pretty much a guaranteed hit.

6. Avatar
December 18
Once again, not much is known about this one, but it's James Cameron's first feature film since Titanic, so it's definitely one to keep an eye on. It also has space marines, and Cameron seems to know his stuff when it comes to them (Aliens anybody?).

5. Where the Wild Things Are
October 16
This movie has been a long time coming, but in 2009 we should finally see Spike Jonze's adaptation of Maurice Sendak's book, a childhood necessity of many. Jonze is using suits for the Wild Things instead of CGI, which makes me all the more excited for Where the Wild Things Are.

4. Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
June 24
Again, think what you want about Michael Bay and his filmography, but the first Transformers did a fine job of portraying the 80's cartoon in a live action medium. It's the franchise Bay was born to helm, because it begs for product placement, and Bay always seems eager for some product placement (The Island anyone?). I was initially skeptical of Fallen, but the Super Bowl TV spot and the recent extended teaser made me a believer. Hopefully the finished movie turns out the same way.

3. Terminator: Salvation
May 21
Christian Bale's infamous rant notwithstanding, McG's new Terminator film looks to be a pretty amazing entry into the summer lineup. I honestly don't know much about the story, but suffice to say it's the first Terminator film to take place after the nuclear war (the nuclear war that the characters spent three films trying to prevent). The trailers look ridiculously cool, especially the latest one, which finally revealed a bit about the story (more than, "There was a war with robots"). Like most fans of the series, I wish James Cameron was at the helm, but it should be interesting to see what McG does with Terminator.

2. Public Enemies
July 1
This film could easily sit at number one for me. We have Heat and Collateral director Michael Mann calling the shots, and Johnny Depp starring in something that isn't a Pirates or Tim Burton movie. It's a period heist movie about John Dillinger and those trying to catch him, one of whom is played by Christian Bale. Again, the trailer for this movie is one of the best I've ever seen, and I can't wait to see what Mann, Depp and Bale come up with when Public Enemies hits theaters.

1. Star Trek
May 8
I'm a Star Wars fan, through and through, but the new Star Trek is fixin' to make a Trekkie out of me. J.J. Abrams, creator and executive producer of my favorite TV show (LOST) is taking the franchise and re-imagining the original crew with an origin story telling the tale of how they all came together as the crew of the Enterprise. The footage we've seen looks jaw-dropping, and early reports from people who have seen the entire movie are incredibly promising.