With "LOST" off the air for good and AMC's "Breaking Bad", "Mad Men" and "The Walking Dead" all between seasons, I found myself in the market for a new show to obsess over. I watched NBC's "Community" through its Christmas episode back in 2009, but I never picked it back up when it returned to the air after that. Watching the show now is a testament to how stupid a decision that was on my part. Much like "LOST", "Community" features a plethora of likable characters and perfect performances from the actors playing them. It's also wickedly hilarious.
For a taste of what "Community" has to offer, watch some of my personal favorite episodes like "Contemporary American Poultry" (a wonderful parody of Martin Scorsese's
Goodfellas), "Cooperative Calligraphy" (poking fun at stereotypical and requisite "bottle episodes"), "Epidemiology" (the zombie episode) and my personal favorite, "Modern Warfare". And don't forget last year's claymation Christmas episode titled "Abed's Uncontrollable Christmas". It's a holiday television classic.
I do not want to see "Community" go the way of "Arrested Development" and "Firefly", so I'm crossing my fingers for NBC to pick it up for a third season. Watch "Community" on Thursdays at 8/7c on NBC. Check out the official site by clicking
Oh, and check out the "Community"/
Avengers mash-up picture I posted above. It was done by cartoonist
Chris Schweizer, and it works very well as a wallpaper.