I received my copy of this week's Entertainment Weekly in the mail a few days ago, and in it I found a very moving, poignant photograph. I haven't exactly kept my anticipation for Spike Jonze's Where The Wild Things Are a secret, but I think this picture is one anybody can appreciate.
Sadly, I can't find the pic online, and I can't scan it due to copyright infringement laws and such, so I thought I'd just describe it. Check it out at the newsstand, and pick up the issue if you can. It's got some great photos of quite a few upcoming films.
The one I'm speaking of is on page 47, and it's not the one at the bottom of this post (I like that one too). It covers the entire page, and shows Jonze leaning over the film's child star, newcomer Max Records. The backdrop is a forest no doubt used somewhere in the film. The photo's caption features a quote from Jonze about the hardships of filming in the wilds of Australia, and one from actress Catherine Keener telling about the relationship between actor and director.
The photograph is beautiful on its own, but it's even more beautiful when one considers what these two have been through together. Filming was tough, but the act of getting this movie off the ground probably seems miraculous to many involved. WTWTA came very close to joining the ranks of Terry Gilliam's The Man Who Killed Don Quixote as a film that could've been great but couldn't be made.
The photo shows the two as weary travelers who probably expected to reach their destination much sooner. They're finally there, and we'll see the finished product on October 16. I just finished listening to Karen O's soundtrack for the movie, and if the finished film stacks up to the album, then we're in for a unique, eclectic and very special cinematic treat less than two short weeks from now.

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